rss.item.tooltiptext=Click here to add this feed to your RSS reader
other.bkmsync.detected=Another bookmark synchronization Add-on was detected. In order to avoid conflicts, Yoono synchronization is disabled. You can activate it in the 'Preferences for synchro' menu of the Yonoo button in the toolbar.
synchro.import.warning=Bookmarks placed on your computer but not on Yoono server, will be deleted
synchro.export.warning=Bookmarks placed on Yoono server but not on your computer will be deleted
import.warning=Do you confirm the replacement of the bookmarks placed on your computer by those on Yoono server ? After import, %1 bookmarks will be deleted from your computer
warning=Warning !
delphidetected.warning= Yoono Firefox extension has detected the presence of the Yoono application for Windows on this computer. As a result the extension's synchronization mechanism has been deactivated to avoid conflicts with the application. The other extension's features remain active.\nA later version of the extension will lift this restriction.
delphiundetected.warning= Yoono application for Windows has been uninstalled. Do you wish to activate automatic synchronization within Firefox extension ?
welcome.countbkms=. (My %1 bookmarks will be synchronized on the Yoono server)
# bkmMenu.js
bkms.setrootprivate.label=Set Root Folder private
bkms.setrootprivate.tooltiptext=All your bookmarks will be deleted from Yoono server
bkms.setrootpublic.label=Set Root Folder public
bkms.setrootpublic.tooltiptext=Root Folder bookmarks will be synchronized with Yoono server
bkms.private.label=Set this folder private
bkms.public.label=Set this folder public
bkms.random.label=Surprise me
bkms.random.tooltiptext=Surprise me based on this folder's content
bkms.searchmultisite.label=Search on these sites
bkms.searchmultisite.tooltiptext=Search on all these sites with your favorite search engine
bkms.searchsinglesite.label=Search on this site
bkms.searchsinglesite.tooltiptext=Search on this site with your favorite search engine must have the sidebar opened on an existing account to modify the bookmarks synchronization preferences.
throbber.oksynchro=Your bookmarks are already synchronized with the Yoono server
throbber.resynchro=Synchronization not active.\nDo you want to reactivate bookmark synchronization ?
throbber.forcesynchro=Force synchronization
throbber.nosynchro=Automatic synchronization disabled (see Preferences)
throbber.detecteddelphi=Yoono application for Windows detected, synchronization not enabled
notif.title=Flash Suggestion !
notif.text=Yoono found sites similar to
menuitem.nosynchro.disabled=You're not in synchro mode